Nintendo’s Zelda series is packed with solid-gold classics, and few come as big as 2003’s Wind Waker. One of the GameCube’s best titles, it’s just been resurrected for the Wii U in glorious HD for the benefit of an entirely new generation. Is this remaster worthy of a full-price retail release, or is it now badly showing its age? We hope you’ve washed and ironed your green suit, because you’re coming with us to find out.
The good
The GameCube release of Wind Waker was arguably one of the best-looking games of its generation and its cel-shaded animation still looks impressive today, even in standard definition. In HD however, the title really sings; everything looks sharper and more striking, and the improved lighting effects produce a game which is as visually stunning as any other title from the PS3 and 360 generation. Few games from a decade ago could ever achieve such a feat purely through a high-def facelift, but Wind Waker is one of them.
Like the graphics, Wind Waker’s captivating gameplay has aged incredibly well too. The first title in the franchise to take to the high seas, the sailing elements will appeal to anyone who delighted in exploring the world around them as a young child. There are dozens and dozens of small islands and outcrops to discover, and Nintendo has thankfully included an improved sail which not only makes travel faster, but also removes the need to constantly change the direction of the wind with the titular Wind Waker wand.
Add in complex and compelling dungeons, excellent music and brilliant use of the GamePad’s screen for inventory management and you’ve got one of the best Wii U games yet.
The bad
Those of you who lived and breathed the GameCube original 10 years ago may well be wondering if any new content has been included here. While Nintendo has made some tweaks to make things more enjoyable, there aren’t any fresh levels or dungeons to explore – this is essentially the same adventure you played back in 2003. While a decade is plenty long enough for veterans to visit this world again, it’s a genuine shame that there are no new surprises waiting for them.
The bottom line

It may be a pretty conservative remaster, but Wind Waker HD is video gaming of the very highest quality. Newcomers will be gifted with what is arguably one of the best action RPGs ever made, while series stalwarts should be able to overcome their disappointment at the lack of new content and appreciate an epic tale that is worth returning to several times over. If any game can bolster the fortunes of the flagging Wii U, this is it.


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